Funny Complicated Pipes Drawing of Oil Executive Explaining Gas Prices Up Faster Than Down
When gas prices are higher than Snoop Dog, we had to share the best 2022 gas memes!
As if the world is not crazy enough. Prices on everything are at a record high, inflation memes because inflation is down right insane at the moment. And GAS, y'all. Gas prices are insane.
Best Gas Memes 2022
Rather than looking at your bank account balance and crying, enjoy these funny gas memes.

Perfect for the 2022 crazy high gas prices, these funny memes bring some laughter to the reality of where we are. You can laugh or cry, actually after just spending $70 to fill up my tank – I may just do both.

While we wait to see if there is a recession coming (see recession memes) – enjoy these funny gas memes.
High Gas Price Memes
These high gas prices are nuts. In fact, there are only 12 states where the price of fuel is under $4 a gallon (source: USA Today.)

I don't know if you are like me, but I will drive the extra 1/2 mile to save 20 cents a gallon. Make sure you are using the Gas Buddy app. Especially for you guys that are traveling by car. Don't miss our vacation memes.

Remember when we were all complaining about high lumber prices? Gas just told lumber, hold my beer.

Gas prices are higher than some of y'all's credit scores.

How much does gas cost? It costs an arm and a leg. It will cost both arm and leg if you are wanting super unleaded or diesel!

Might resort to selling gas. For the love don't put gas in a plastic bag.

Will sell feet pics for gas. This is just awful, but times are tough. Just don't go selling pics of anything else!

Gas prices for summer 2022 are at a record high. President Biden and the White House did just announce a proposed 3-month federal fuel tax holiday. (see summer memes)

Right now, the federal government charges an 18 cent tax per gallon of gasoline and a 24 cent tax per gallon of diesel. Those taxes fund critical highways and public transportation, through the Highway Trust Fund. But in this unique moment, with gas prices near $5 a gallon on average across the country, President Biden is calling on Congress to suspend the gas tax for three months – until the end of September – to give Americans a little extra breathing room as they deal with the effects of Putin's war in Ukraine.
White House
Tom Brady Gas Prices Meme
Yes, folks – Tom Brady is un-retiring. This Tom Brady gas price meme is too funny.

Tom Brady has decided to un-retire after filling up at the gas station. (We all know this isn't the reason, but uh have you filled up at the pump lately?!) We have learned that Tom Brady's wife, Gisele is pregnant. Baby memes for anyone who knows the cost of raising a kid!
Cheap Gas Meme
Whatever you do, don't be chasing no clowns down a gutter to get you some cheap gas!

Taco Bell Gas Meme
I got gas today for $1.00. Thank you extra value menu, unfortunately the gas was at Taco Bell.

If you love you some bell, don't miss our Taco Bell memes.
Gas Prices High Memes
IYKYK – this is how high gas prices. Imagine, Willie Nelson, Cheech and Chong and Snoop Dogg all relaxing if you know what I mean.

How high are gas prices? Snoop Dog high.

More Funny Gas Memes
The funny gas memes continue. This meme collection definitely makes our list of best memes of 2022! This gas meme shows how I will be driving my kid to school once gas hits $5 a gallon.

I'm thankful that I get to work from home (see work from home memes) – because y'all, how are these Uber drivers, Lyft drivers and Instacart workers making money?

Stealing Gas Meme
This is a joke, y'all. No siphoning gasoline please. Yes, the high gas prices are painful on the pocket but no.

Leave a gas can full of sugar water in the bed of your truck and they will see what happens.

Empty Gas Light Meme
We might be seeing a lot more of this little empty gas light coming on until we see some relief at the gas pumps.

I Am Legend Gas Prices Meme
In the movie I am Legend, the gas prices are now higher than the movie predicted they would be during the apocalypse. These gas prices are most likely in California, but still OUCH.

Thought We Were Back to Normal Memes
After a long 2 year pandemic, just when we thought we were getting back to normal – wham. (see Ukraine memes)

Just when you thought we could go places, gas prices are here to correct your thinking. (If you love Ozark and Jason Bateman as much as I do… Ozark memes!)

CDC Gas Meme
The CDC is now recommending you wear a face mask over your eyes when pumping gas. This sounds like logical advice from the CDC.

Carpooling Meme
With crazy high gas prices, just wait. Carpooling may just return, along with people wanting to bum a ride. How do I start charging my kids for rides is what I would like to know.

Tesla Gas Shortage Meme
Confession, my husband bought a Tesla and this is exactly how he looks at me every time I mention needing gas or how high gas prices are.

Tesla owners be like… LOL GAS! Funny Tesla gas shortage meme is too funny, until the Tesla owner realizes that you need electricity for that car and he lives in Texas.

Gas Shortage Memes
If you are like, gas shortage memes – we have a gas price issue not a gas shortage. Well, actually it's a supply and demand issue. Too much demand and not enough supply.

I'm here for the gas memes, not politics. That said, misinformation is SUCH A PEEVE.
We can thank the gas shortage to our friends at oil companies who are bringing in record profits rather than amping up production. While Fox News and other like to point their fingers at President Biden or talk how if Donald Trump was in office, the fact is it's the gas companies who are in control. Yes, it sucks.

Before yelling Let's Go Brandon – maybe towards Brandon Webster or any other crude oil executive.
While this is a funny gas shortage photo and tweet from May 12, 2021 it's still a good message. For the love – no matter what type of gas shortage situation you are in, use a gas can. Do not, I repeat – DO NOT use a plastic storage container to store gas.

Share the Gas Memes
We hope you got a good LOL at these gas prices memes. Share the funny memes about high gas prices because y'all, we gotta laugh.

We just ask that you tag us on social and link back to this post if you do share. If you enjoyed these funny gas memes, don't miss our other trending memes:
Trending Memes
Have you ever met someone whose love language is memes? Well, hi – we here at Digital Mom Blog are those people. If you too have a love for the funny, enjoy and share these funny memes.
Gas memes are part of the Digital Mom Blog series of Funny Memes
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