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Can I Submit My Eoi in Nz Without Iqa


Default EOI without IQA

Q1) is information technology possible to submit EOI without IQA .Once you have the EOI accepted than utilise for IQA. In my example, I have to utilize IQA for my partner and me. As IQA is expensive too
Q2) How much time do we have after EOI accepted to submit the documents?
Q3) I will have my six-yr experience cease of Sept 2015. Currently I accept three years� feel letter from my previous employer with task description. In my electric current chore, I am working for the terminal 3 years they will not issue the alphabetic character and then I have to request my colleague to write the letter with job description. Is this Ok.
In guild to utilize for IQA do I demand to expect until sept to accept my 6 year feel or I tin can utilise now with my three-twelvemonth experience letter of the alphabet. By the time of Sept I have all my documents ready and so submit EOI
I take,
4-year available degree from Pakistan in Information science and Information technology
1.5-twelvemonth Main degree from Sweden Master in Science
Both degree does non need any feel

Q4) I read that they will issue 9-month search visa start if yous do non have the job offering. In that case, means I have to live without my partner. Is in that location any other visa I need to apply for my partner?
Q5) what is the right time to start searching for the job once your application is in process?



A1) Yous would take to apply for either PAR or IQA before you submit the EOI as you lot accept to mention the reference number in the EOI application form. I would suggest to apply IQA directly as PAR is only a preliminary assessment and it will cost y'all additional $$.
A2) four months from the date ITA issuance.
A3) Yes, letter from colleague/manager is adequate provided y'all send forth your letter of date or offer letter by the company. Yous would need to submit the work experience documents for IQA. If you demand 6 yrs experience to increase your EOI points then you accept to employ for EOI but afterward you consummate 6 yrs. Meanwhile you lot tin can file your IQA at present and it will take atleast iv-eight weeks to go the cess completed and you can collect all the necessary documents required for ITA. So you will be set by Sep to file your EOI.
A4) This is incorrect and not sure where you had learned this from. JSV or Job search visa will issued by Immigration officeholder later on your interview if they feel you are not well prepared with Jobs/Cost of living/Locations etc. You can search for interview questions in this forum and brand yourself prepared as they are mostly standard set of questions.
A5) You tin start even now only chances are very minimal for employers to accept your application every bit you wont accept correct to piece of work / live in NZ without Residence visa. If you lot have overnice skills in ICT field then employers may consider your application and file for WTR visa or you can file your EOI with job offering.



nms.sun3 has said information technology all.

What outcome an applicant gets, if they don't have a chore offering, depends entirely on the impression they brand at their interview with the CO.

Here is the INZ operational manual giving the details stating what the CO is checking for, and the decisions s/he can make.

If the bidder is well-prepared and the CO thinks they will exist able to fit into NZ gild and notice employment readily, they will be granted Residence.

If the applicant shows that they are prepared in some ways, but non so good in others, they will be offered the Skilled Migrant Category Job Search Visa (SMC JSV), which gives the correct for the principle applicant to travel to NZ and spend 9 months - if they get themself a skilled task in that time, and then they get the Residence (for themself and whatever other family members on the application) they applied for.

If the applicant'due south answers at interview show that they do not know many aspects of what the CO is checking for, they will be refused.

The whole point of the SMC JSV is for the chief applicant to become alone and concentrate all their time and resources on getting a skilled job. As soon as they do that and get their deferred Residence, then their partner and any children who were on the original SMC application get their Residence, likewise, and can join them.

This may seem harsh, but it was a dominion change in response to what had become an even harsher problem. Nether the erstwhile regulations, when a family was allowed to go with a JSV holder, they would find a home, maybe the partner, on an open visa, would discover a job, and the children would settle into school. Only if, in nine months, the JSV holder had NOT got a skilled job, they would all exist told to leave the state. Of course, it was a heartbreaking thing for this group of people, having to tear upwardly the life they had begun to brand for themselves, and even worse if, despite all warnings, they had sold upwards their dwelling in their original land and now had nothing to go dorsum to. That is why the police is now as information technology is.





Folks,a question on (A3) regarding letter from colleague/director. I am in a like situation and tin can't get a letter from HR. My question is - when it comes to letter from my managing director/colleague, it definitely volition not exist in a visitor alphabetic character head. Only the 60 minutes department is authorised to use company letter of the alphabet pads. So in terms of authenticity, how tin can I prove that my reference letter of the alphabet is genuine?

Thanks in anticipation!



Quote Originally Posted by KRichards View Post

Folks,a question on (A3) regarding alphabetic character from colleague/managing director. I am in a like situation and tin't get a alphabetic character from HR. My question is - when information technology comes to letter from my manager/colleague, it definitely will non be in a company letter head. Just the 60 minutes department is authorised to use visitor letter pads. So in terms of actuality, how can I prove that my reference alphabetic character is genuine?

Thanks in anticipation!

Alphabetic character should incorporate all vital information such as your name/designation/start date/finish appointment/blazon of task(total or function time) with your roles & responsibilities outlined and the details (name/e-mail/telephone/signature) of the colleague/manager who is signing the document. It need not be in company alphabetic character head and a simple A4 sheet would practice. Ensure that you either send the original document with copy or certified re-create of the original with copy while filing ITA.



Thank you very much for the swift reply...that'south a bit of relief to me..regarding the last judgement, "send the original document with copy or certified copy of the original with copy while filing ITA" - I am not sure if I understand you.Should I get the letter authorised through a notary public and transport a photocopy of the attested letter?




Hi nms.sun3 / JandM,

I couriered originals of all qualification and experience documents but NO copy to NZQA terminal calendar week - is that a problem? Practise I await for NZQA to answer, courier again is expensive..

I did not run across in the IQA guide any department that mention 1 needed to send photocopies.

Delight assist.




Quote Originally Posted by KRichards View Post

Thanks very much for the swift reply...that'south a chip of relief to me..regarding the final judgement, "send the original document with copy or certified copy of the original with copy while filing ITA" - I am not sure if I sympathise yous.Should I become the letter authorised through a notary public and send a photocopy of the attested letter?


If you plan to transport the original of letter signed past your colleague/managing director so attach a copy of the same. Copy will be retained by NZQA for their documentation and they volition return the original document. If you don't prefer to the send the original then get the aforementioned certified by Notary public and transport it forth with a copy of certified copy.



Quote Originally Posted by laxgr View Post

Hi nms.sun3 / JandM,

I couriered originals of all qualification and experience documents but NO copy to NZQA last calendar week - is that a problem? Do I wait for NZQA to answer, courier again is expensive..

I did not encounter in the IQA guide any section that mention one needed to ship photocopies.

Please help.


I had sent all originals + copy or certified original + copy for IQA besides equally ITA documentation. If you havent and then write to NZQA and explain that you have missed to attach a copy of originals and wait for their respond. This should not impact your IQA processing. BTW do remember next fourth dimension to attach a copy along with either originals or certified copy for ITA etc.
