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Day 6 Gm Diet Indian Version

GM (General Motors) diet depicts a diet that holds a promising result for the followers to lose 7 kilos of weight in 7 days. One needs to follow the diet properly for one week and get to see instant results. For each diet day, some foods present in the plan one needs to intake while following it for best results. In the diet, one needs to rely on eating foods that are detoxifying only. For Indians, there is a gm diet Indian version chart that helps in losing weight.

There's nothing wrong with considering weight loss as a highly determined and dedicated task rather than just effort. Everyone knows well about the right ways to reduce weight but no one has time to do all such things and plan it. Exercise is beneficial in weight loss but people lack in doing so due to time shortage. Everyone wants a good diet plan but people leave it considering it is expensive or hectic.

gm diet indian version chart

The GM global diet plan comprises non-vegetarian goods in the last two days. Though, not every Indian prefers eating non-vegetarian food in the diet too. Some modifications were made in the diet plan and turned into an Indian version consisting of vegetarian foods only in the diet.

What do you understand about the GM diet?

In 1985, the term GM representing General Motors came into light. The GM Indian version diet was prepared for the General Motors employees. In the diet formation plan, the FDA and US DOA (Department of Agriculture) contributed to the plan development and performed testing details on J. Hopkins Centre for Research. But people consider all such claims as a myth in the present time and call that there's no specific GM diet plan origin revealed till now.

Some benefits linked with GM Diet Indian Version Chart

  • One of the eye-catching benefits linked with the GM diet is there's no restriction on the age-limit for who can follow and who can't! Anyone can start with the diet plan whether you're a housewife, student, or old age.
  • The GM Indian diet version is known for helping in weight reduction. Many people have enjoyed satisfactory results by following the diet.
  • No expensive diet and you get all the foods available in the market easily. There are no hassling things you need to consider while following the diet.

Within just a week (7 days), you can enjoy splendid results. You might see it as a challenging diet plan but you need to follow it for 7 days only. So, that's not anything impossible!

gm diet indian version chart

Indian GM diet plan for 7 days

Following the GM diet plan for a week or 7 days can be beneficial in losing around 3-7 kg weight. But it's a challenging thing to follow the diet plan and one can't rescue any day as a cheat day. While staying on the diet, you might crave eating delicious snacks, sweets, or your favourite food. Before beginning with the diet, you need to focus on your mind and prepare it to stick to the diet. If you miss out after 2-3 days, it won't show effective results.

Day 1: Healthy day with fruits

The first diet day begins on a healthy note by building your body to stay compatible with the diet till the last day. When you consume fruits, your body enjoys vitamins, minerals, water, and other essential nutrients intake. In the detoxification process, fruits are the best way to begin the diet. In the beginning, you can eat fruits only on the first day and avoid any other thing. Whether breakfast, lunch, or dinner, all you need to consume is fruits on the first day.

All your plates should have just fruits that are rich to detoxify your body. You can add as many fruits on the plate but no other eatable item. You can eat 4 or even 10-20 times but only fruits. Don't sprinkle any sugar or other spice on the fruits.

What fruits to eat?
  • Melon
  • Apple
  • Orange
  • Watermelon
  • Pomegranate
  • Strawberry
  • Lime
What fruits to avoid?
  • Mango
  • Litchi
  • Grapes
  • Banana

Breakfast: Apple

Morning mid: Muskmelon

Lunch: Watermelon

Afternoon: Orange

Evening: Pear

Dinner: Grapefruit, guava

gm diet indian version chart

Day 2: Enjoy with vegetables

After a fruit-rich day, it's time to pay attention to the vegetables because it helps in body detoxification. After the first day, you might develop an agile and light feeling with the intake of fruits only. Vegetables consisted of water-rich content, essential fibers, and miners helpful in gut cleaning. You don't need to worry as you can consume vegetables without any limitation. But avoid eating anything apart from the vegetables.

What vegetables to eat?
  • Onion
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Cucumber
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Tomatoes
What vegetables to avoid?
  • Corn
  • Peas

Breakfast: Potato (boiled)

Morning mid: lettuce and cabbage salad

Lunch: Carrot, cucumber, onion

Afternoon: Bell pepper, broccoli (boiled)

Evening: Cauliflower (boiled)

Dinner: Carrot, beet, broccoli, and green beans mix

gm diet indian version chart

Day 3: A day with both vegetables and fruits

Day 3 is a mixture of days 1-2. In the beginning, it started with a diet comprising zero carbs. On day 2, foods rich in fiber like vegetables were added to the diet. On the third day, it comprises all the day 1 and day 2 fruits and vegetable mixture diet. Without eliminating water intake, one must follow eating fruits and vegetables on day 3.

Breakfast: Apple or musk melon

Morning mid: Pineapple, pear

Lunch: Lettuce, carrot, onion, and cucumber mix

Afternoon: Grapefruit or orange

Evening: Guava or pear

Dinner: Papaya, beet (boiled), broccoli (boiled)

indian gm diet plan

Day 4: Milk, Soup, and banana day

Are you stuck with the diet? That's great! Don't stop at any stage and keep going on. In the beginning days, the Indian gm diet plan included only fruits and vegetables with zero carbs. For the carb loss and sodium and potassium minerals replenishing with the excessive intake of water in the body, day 4 holds a plan on restoring minerals and carbs with milk, soup, and banana.

Breakfast: Milk, bananas

Morning mid: Banana shake

Lunch: Bananas, milk

Afternoon: Banana with milk (smoothie)

Evening: Guava, Pear

Dinner: Milk, bananas, soup

Food Combinations You Must Avoid: Three Things You Should Never Team With Milk - NDTV Food

Day 5: Eat protein

It's the perfect day for protein since you already kept on adding vitamins, fibers, minerals, potassium, sodium, and so on till day-4. At this time, your muscles need a protein-rich diet. So, day 5 is planned for a healthy protein-rich diet to make your muscles strong enough to avoid any fatigue succumbing. After day 4, you'll see a different diet plan apart from vegetables or fruits. Give a good protein day to your muscles. Normally, the GM global diet version shows day 5 as a meat day. But the gm diet Indian version chart for weight loss makes it change to a protein-rich day.

Breakfast: Tomatoes, sprouts

Morning mid: Curd or tofu

Lunch: Tomatoes, Palak paneer

Afternoon: Sprouts

Evening: Curd

Dinner: Scrambled cottage cheese (paneer), vegetable soup

indian gm diet plan

Day 6: Say no to tomato

On this day, it's crucial to focus on adding protein-rich food to your dietary plan. The foods that are preferable on day 6 are vegetables, sprouts, and cottage cheese. But it's a must to avoid tomatoes for weight loss. No doubt, you consumed a good amount of tomatoes on day-5 but didn't intake tomato on day-6. You can keep consuming vegetables (par-cooked), water, and soups. At this stage, you'll get to see visible results in the body.

Breakfast: sprouts, vegetable salad like bell pepper, carrot, cabbage

Morning mid: Kidney beans (boiled)

Lunch: Cabbage or cottage cheese with vegetables mixed soup

Afternoon: Apple

Evening: Sprouted or boiled lentils

Dinner: Soya chunks or cottage cheese, fruits like orange or apple

indian gm diet plan
Day 7: Chapati and Rice day

At the final stage of the most challenging gm diet Indian version chart for weight loss, you get to eat chapati and rice. Once you reach the last day, it's a proud moment for you. Since you followed such a rigorous diet for the past 6 days, you can enjoy some liberty now. Get your fruit juice jar and enjoy eating 1-2 brownie cups. Add 1 or ½ chapati to your diet and consume vegetables.

Don't start deviating away considering it as the last stage. It's an important day for you as you've to complete it with the same desire. After following the 6 days plan, you have a starch aloof body and you can add starch that is healthy to your body. Go with the wheat chapati and brown rice for the last day. For another option, you can consume sprouts too.

Breakfast: Rice or sprouts, fruits like papaya and watermelon

Morning mid: Carrot sticks, berries

Lunch: Brown rice, cooked broccoli or cabbage or bell pepper

Afternoon: Pear or apple

Evening: Guava

Dinner: Chapati, vegetable, fruit, or salad

indian gm diet plan


In the end, one must have learned how beneficial the diet plan and is worth for effort. If you're feeling that you might return to old eating habits after following the diet, then go ahead following a healthy diet to stay on a good path. There's not much complication in scheduling proper workout sessions and following a diet. For a stunning physique, you must try the GM diet.

So why look here and there? It's the perfect diet that can help you achieve a desirable physique. Get rid of the extra weight in a week. Good luck!

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  • Wonders of Bay Leaf For Hair, Skin, & Weight Loss
  • Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss
  • 5 Best Belly Slimming Natural Detox Water Recipes

Day 6 Gm Diet Indian Version
